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icon_widget_image VIAKORP, s.r.o.,       Nad mlynom 10388/1  960 01 Zvolen icon_widget_image office@viakorp.sk
Ján Mohyla icon_widget_image + (421) 948 765 293 icon_widget_image betonaren@viabeton.sk
icon_widget_image Pondelok-Piatok: 7:00 do 16:30; Sobota: 7:00 do 12:00 icon_widget_image + (421) 940 999 369 icon_widget_image obchod@stavebninysts.sk icon_widget_image info@stavebninysts.sk Vedúci predajne: Martin Babiak icon_widget_image + (421) 948 900 411
  /    /  Construction of roads and paved areas


We are one of the top asphalt paving companies, see for yourself.

One of the main focuses of our company is civil engineering and reconstruction. Civil engineering carried out by VIAKORP brings complex solutions starting with earthworks, through the implementation of embankment construction layers under the roads, to the final surface treatment.

Our offer includes the production of asphalt mixtures, asphalt pavements, which represent a durable and sustainable solution even in the event of high traffic.

We use a range of different professional machinery and equipment in civil engineering to ensure efficiency, accuracy and quality of the final work. These machines are essential construction units in the road building and repair process.

In our work, we use a bulldozer, excavator, loader, vibratory roller, grader, road cutter to remove the old road surface, mechanisms such as trucks, dump trucks, or finisher to spread the asphalt or concrete evenly on the road.

We use various innovations in our work that take our projects to another level. That is why we are one of the best asphalt paving companies not only in the region. 

We know how recycled plastics for asphalt roads are changing the world of construction and road building, and that’s why we use them in our construction work.

Our portfolio within road and paved area construction includes:

  • earthworks
  • construction of embankment construction layers for roads
  • asphaltic concrete pavements
  • paved areas and car parks
  • pavements
  • construction and reconstruction of village centres

Last but not least, we are dedicated to the construction and reconstruction of village centres, where our projects enliven public spaces and contribute to improving the quality of life of the local community.

In addition, we deal with the construction and reconstruction of paved areas and parking lots, which are designed to meet modern requirements for functionality and aesthetics. Our services also include the implementation of sidewalks that enhance the safety and comfort of pedestrians in both urban and rural areas.

With attention to detail, quality and sustainability at every step of the process, VIAKORP Construction Company ensures that the results of its work will serve generations long into the future.


Take a look at the construction projects we have already completed and what all we cover in the realization of buildings.